giant creature

Notes From the Head Creature

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Only two left of....

"I'm Amazing" white on black

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Friday, January 28, 2011

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The last 5 people ever to be added to my facebook are....

doc shaw shaw
moy vaca
genesis genny
katy rossmann
ryan richardson

And that makes 5,000!
Much love to you all!

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Monday, January 17, 2011

Foreign Commercials...

Do you speak Dutch?

How about Hebrew?

Pig Latin anyone? (It's on TwitVid, I can't embed the video- but click that link!)


It's hard to say- can you do it? These people can. Everyone's doing it. Don't be left out!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Make a you tube video saying the name of the winter line 5 times fast!

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Location:Coming soon!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Two "Amazing" Artists have shirts coming this month!

Everyone at GC is very excited about our shirts coming as part of our "Popapocalypse!" Line!

Underground graffiti artist, JoeX2 has been designing for Giant Creature since the beginning, bringing you the "I'm Amazing" and "Creature Hands" shirts. This month, we go back to his roots with a new very slick graffiti design that I will blow up in Chrome on Ivy Green. I know you will all love it!
Check out his site

Also this month I am very pleased to announce that World Renowned Contemporary Artist, Sarah Hunsucker has designed a shirt for us! Based on a dream I had when I first came to Los Angeles in 1997. I have been a fan of her work for many years and look very forward to sharing this amazing shirt with you. It will be our first double sided graphic tee. If you haven't seen her work, here is one of her paintings that was shown at the Santa Monica Museum of Art. She also is the owner of the very hip "Make Space ARTS" in Pasadena.

Enjoy the new shirts my fellow Giant Creatures!
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