giant creature

Notes From the Head Creature

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

1st fan photo sent in!

@annalovesbtr77: I got dry freeze ice cream and a pic of kendall thanks soooo much i love it!!! <3333

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As followed

Want CEO Stephen Kramer Glickman to follow you on Twitter?

Make a funny YouTube video about and magically he will follow you.

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Hey These Girls Really Love Giant Creature!

Hey no helmet!!!! Behind the Scenes BTR photos

So when I'm on set I love taking photodiode on my groovy Hipstamatic camera on my iPhone 4. Oh jeez, I just said groovy......yeah.....sorry
Check out the BTR page for coolio photos on

Love ya face,

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dearest Creatures,

If you have bought a shirt there is a chance one of our giant creatures may have thrown something cool in your bag. If you happen to get something exciting or want to be featured on send us a photo of yourself and your new gear. Don't forget, Giant Creature clothes are infused with superhuman powers and will make you appear taller.

Give the people something to look up to. Be Giant.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Monday, November 22, 2010

I feel like hip hop Columbus. Launching into an ocean of clothing. We sail past Ed Hardy sweat pants and Affliction Jackets, past Rocawear baggy shorts and Sean John button up shirts and into an area of clothing from independent companies. In the company of Obey and Radii we brave new worlds and try to make exclusive style and originality come first. We sail to a kid in Texas and a mother in Ohio, to a 14 year old kid in Maine and to a father in London, England. The journey has begun.

Be Giant.
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Location:The first shipment has been made

Sunday, November 21, 2010

One if my favorite things about being on Big Time Rush....(exclusive set pic)

I am a huge nerd. I love old b movies....example: sat up all night watching one of my favorites "Teenagers from Outer Space".....yes that is a giant Lobster attacking!

Which is why I was so happy to play an evil villain this week...B Movie Style. It's so fun getting to play Gustavo but it's even more fun to play the different versions of him.

Love you all,
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad made of Gold

Location: Hollywood Hills

Before Big Time Rush there was "Super True Story ". Watch it on YouTube !

Saturday, November 20, 2010

New Backstage Photos

I just posted some new photos on the Big Time Rush page on my site.  Go check them out if you want to see Logan in his Flash Gordon costume.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Seasons Greetings!

Place your orders now for Giant Creature gear so you can get it in time for Christmas!

We've launched!

OK everyone, our site is now live. Order a t-shirt over on our shirts page. Or order 12. Or 126.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Almost here!

The grand opening of is almost here. Check back soon for all the details.